How to Identify and Fix a Broken WordPress Site After an Update? 


Introduction to WordPress Issues

If a WordPress website crashes after you activate a particular plugin or theme, you can reactivate it from PHPMyAdmin. If disabling a plugin doesn't work, your theme may be causing the issues. Sometimes updating the theme also breaks things (just like with plugins). Sometimes updating the core, your themes or your plugins, breaks even more things on your WordPress site.
The more regularly you update your core, themes, and plugins, the less likely you are to experience issues with these updates (since updates will be more gradual, meaning the likelihood that an update day can break your WordPress website is weaker). Updating your themes, plugins and core files becomes crucial for your WordPress website. Outdated themes, plugins, and core files are a surefire recipe for a broken site – which is why updating your WordPress themes, plugins, and core files is essential. As you can see, using quality themes, being familiar with WordPress, and having a backup process in place (with recovery features) helps improve the chances of a trouble-free restoration.


If, after the update, your themes and/or plugins are not yet compatible with your latest version of WordPress, you will need to revert to an earlier version of WP. If you are using professional themes or plugins with expired licenses, you may need to purchase new licenses in order to benefit from newer updates. Most premium themes and plugins use license keys to provide updates through the WordPress admin dashboard, so you should see all available updates once a license key has been added . Now that you're logged in, you need to make sure everything is updated to the latest version, which includes WordPress core, all your plugins, and all themes.
The most common reason why sites don't work after PHP updates is still an outdated plugin. There are some best practices to follow before updating a site, and which should, if possible, be followed regardless of whether you are updating a plugin, a theme, the core files, or the PHP version of your site.

Steps to Fixing Your Broken WordPress Site

If your WordPress site is down after an update, don't worry, you're not the only one! This often happens when a new version of WordPress is released, and can be tricky to fix if you're unfamiliar with the process. In this blog post, we'll guide you through five easy steps to repair your WordPress site. We'll also show you how to back up your website before making any changes, so you can restore it if something goes wrong. Let's go !

  1. Check for plugin and theme updates

    If you've updated to a new version of WordPress and your site is no longer working, the first thing you should do is check for any plugin or theme updates. Often these will be compatible with the new version of WordPress and will fix any errors that have occurred. If no updates are available, or if updating does not resolve the issue, you can try the following steps.

  2. Disable plugins

    If updating your plugins and themes does not resolve the issue, the next step is to deactivate all your plugins. To do this, go to the “Plugins” page in your WordPress dashboard and click the “Deactivate” link for each plugin. Once they are all disabled, try accessing your website again – it should now work fine. If it still doesn't, move on to the next step.

  3. Reload the WordPress core files

    The next step is to reload the core WordPress files. This will overwrite any corrupt or missing files that could be causing problems on your site. To do this, download a new copy of WordPress from the official website and then upload it to your server, overwriting existing files. Once you have done this, try accessing your site again.

  4. Restoring the backup

    If all else fails, restore from a backup If none of the steps above worked, the last resort is to restore your WordPress site from a backup. This will revert your site to a previous state, so make sure you only do this if absolutely necessary. If you don't have a backup, you can create one using a plugin like BackupBuddy or WP Database Backup. Once you have a backup, restoring your WordPress site is relatively easy – just follow the instructions provided by your backup plugin.

  5. Update your php version

    If you are on shared hosting, try updating your php version If you are on a VPS, check if you have broken symlinks In some cases, WordPress breaks after an update because it is not compatible with the new version of PHP. If so, you can try updating your PHP version to see if that fixes the problem. To do this, contact your host and ask them to update your PHP version. Often it will be able to do this automatically for you. If you are on a VPS, you can also try checking if any symbolic links are broken by running the following command: ls -la /var/log/apache*/* | grep “broken “If

  6. Ask an expert

    If you are still having difficulty, seek help from a WordPress expert. There are many great services that can help you repair your WordPress site, even if you are unfamiliar with the process. Just make sure you do your research and choose a reputable service. We hope this blog post helped you fix your broken WordPress site. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below! Thanks for reading !

What are the disadvantages of a broken WordPress site?

A disruption to your website's functionality can cause a slight inconvenience or a huge loss of revenue, depending on the type of website you operate and the problem you are experiencing. A down WordPress site can negatively impact you or your business in the following ways:

  • Loss of income. If your customers can't access your website, they will be forced to look elsewhere to get the same things you do. If you monetize your blog through affiliate links and ads, every time your site is down or not working properly is lost revenue. Likewise, if you're spending money to drive people to your store or blog, you're wasting money sending traffic to a broken or inaccessible website.
  • A tarnished reputation. If someone wants to buy from you or learn more about your business, but can't reach your site, what kind of signal does that send? Not a positive signal, that’s for sure. If you can't keep your site online and running smoothly, how can they be sure it's secure and trustworthy?
  • A drop in search engine rankings. Google has complex algorithms whose goal is to display the best results for search queries. Google bots will notice that your site is unavailable or loading slowly due to errors. If this happens too often or for too long, you risk ranking poorly and having trouble getting anywhere near the first page.

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